Will the system work on rainy or cloudy days?

Short-term rainfall shouldn’t be affecting hot water supply. But, in case of several cloudy days in a row, you would need to turn on a booster heater.

How hot can a solar water heater heat the water?

International standard for hot water for general home use is 60ºC. Therefore, we set thermostats at 60ºC. When water temperature gets below 60ºC, the thermostat triggers the booster hitter to get it back to the set level. Nevertheless, you should note that solar water heaters are capable of heating water up to 90ºC. At Solar Pro, we make sure that all systems run safely and, thus, have installed a relief valve, so the water temperature doesn’t rise above this maximum value.

Why do I need a storage tank for hot water?

Hot water storage tanks are particularly designed for hot water. Tanks available at our store involve technologies that ensure the least heat loss from the tank. This, in turn, guarantees hot water at any time of the year.

How long does a solar water heating system function?

Solar water heaters are regularly functioning for at least 20 years, as numerous researches and statistics show, and most of them continue working even after reaching this mark. Solar Pro provides customers with manufacturer warranties for up to 15 years, depending on model and manufacturer.

Is it possible to mount a solar water heater onto a flat surface?

Solar water heating systems can be installed in any position, but we would recommend to mount your system at the best angle that would ensure optimal heat absorption. However, the set-up is very flexible and can be accomplished on a flat roof, in a concealed tank, on a roof submerged in tiles, and a normal tiled roof.

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